Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Wordy Wednesday

We got this message this morning when we tried to upload a new photo.  Is this right or is mummy being scammed??

Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage that you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

In memory of our sweet friend Huffle

Welcome to Rainbows Bridge

We were so sad to hear the news yesterday that our beautiful friend Huffle Mawson had gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Mummy started reading Huffle's bloggy way before I was even a twinkle in my kitty mummies eye.  It took her a long time to have the courage to write one for me and Simba, and it was Huffle who inspired her to do so.  Huffle was the first kitty we officially followed and guess what?  Huffle followed us right on back.  But not just that.  Huffle did a post introducing us to all you guys.  What a wonderful and thoughtful thing to do and we know that this wasn't only time this was done for new kitties.  We will never ever forget sweet Huffle.  We send all our love, nose bumps and purrs to your wonderful mummy, Teddy and the rest of your family xxxx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Man-brother Monday

My hooman brother is back from his holiday in Florida yaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Simba on a Saturday on the stairs

Mummy, it's looking a little bit bare in here and it's a bit hard on my pawsies.  I think I will have to do something about this....


Ta dah!  What do you think, nice huh :)

Friday, 16 November 2012

Intruder alert

Oiy, you, what you doing in MY garden??

Nufink, i'm not doing nufink at all.  I'm just looking and sniffing.

Well, it's my garden so don't you touch anything or else I might just have to come out there and chase you away!

Mummy went out to say hello to him.  I wasn't allowed beclaws she thought I was going to attack him!  Simba went and said hello though beclaws he is Mr Nice Guy.  But, guess what??  Mummy looked at his name tag and you won't believe what his name is "giggle".  His name is Justin MOL.
Simba sings "Jasmine and Justin sitting in a tree, k..i...s..s...i...n..g"

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Foggy fursday

Mummy, i'm sooooooo hungry I could eat Simba's head hee he. 
Mummy said we would be able to play out today as she has a day off.  

We woke up this morning and there is thick fog.  We were going to be able to play out beclaws some men are coming to the house to lay some new carpet.  I guess we will just have to help them now.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Turnaround Tuesday

Simba - Jasmine, can I have a go in that box?
Jasmine - No, i'm using it!
Simba - Jasmine, mummy has left some cake out!

Simba - Well, that was easier than I thought hee he

Monday, 12 November 2012

Mancat Monday

Simba: Mummy, Jasmine wants to come in.
Mummy: I bet she doesn't!
Simba: She does, look, she is waiting at the door.
Mummy: She's playing "knock down ginger".
Simba:  Why does she want to knock me down???
Mummy:  No, she doesn't want to knock you down, it's a game naughty children used to play many years ago.  You knock on someone's door, then run away when they open it.

Simba: She's not very good at it is she?
Mummy:  Trouble is, she can keep this lark up all day long!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remembrance Sunday

Today is Remembrance Sunday and at 11 o'clock on the 11th day of the 11th month we remember those who sacrificed their lives for us during the wars.  We will wear our poppies and hold a two minutes silence when the clock strikes 11am

Friday, 9 November 2012

Breakfast Chef

Morning, would you like some help getting breakfast ready?  Do you need me to taste things to make sure they are ok?
Can you see my stack of food bowls?  Mummy got them free with our nommy food.  The stack is nearly as tall as me!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Ok Mummy, put the mousie down and begin fussing me and Simba right now!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Snuggle wuggles

Snuggles are just the bestest, but snuggles with Kyrries dressing gown are even better.  She calls it her sheep (a blue one!) and she lays it on the end of her bed for me to snuggle down on at nighty night time prrrrr

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Simba on a Saturday

Being brushed is about my most favourite thing after eating, and Kyrrie is doing such a good job prrrr.
Mummy and daddy had a lovely day yesterday.  They went to the seaside.  It was very chilly willy woo and there were huge black clouds over the sea.  Silly mummy forgot to take pictures though.  She did take a picture of a yummy chocolate shop called Chocywocydoodah.  I think she may have dribbled a little bit in there too!  I will get mummy to post it tomorrow :)
My hooman brother Chris and his girlfriend and another couple have flown all the way to Florida for a two week holiday.  They have had this planned for over a year and have been very excited about it.  Do you think they will meet the real Simba?

Friday, 2 November 2012

Happy Friday efurryone

Daddy has bought some beer so I have volunteered to guard it for him.
Today is mummy and daddies 427th Wedding anniversary minus 400 years mol.  Mummy said it;s a life sentence plus extra time MOL.